Do's & Don'ts

Do's & Don'ts

Bite on to the cotton that has been kept at the extraction site for about half an hour.

It is common to have a little pain, once the anaesthesia has worn off. Take the tablet that Doctor has prescribed.

It is common for a little blood to ooze out off the extraction site. If it does not stop after 24 hours, consult your dentist.

One day after extraction, gargle mouth with salt water at least four times a day. It fastens healing.

To prevent swelling, apply an ice pack or a cold towel to your cheek behind the area of tooth extraction. Do this for at least 20 minutes. Repeat the same every half an hour for the first 24 hours.

Avoid hot & hard food on the day of extraction.

Do not disturb the blood clot that has firmed at the extraction site, by gargling often.

Avoid Spitting, it may lead to bleeding.

At the extraction sit, it is common to notice bone fragment, do not touch the area with tongue or fingers. This leads to infection & swelling.

Do not brush your teeth for the first 8 hours after surgery.

क्या करें और क्या न करें

दाँत निकाली गई जगह पर रखी गई रुई को आधे घंटे तक दबा कर रखें |

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पहले दिन गर्म और ठोस भोजन न लें |

बार - बार कुल्ला करके दाँत निकली गई जगह पर जमे खून के थक्के को न हिलाएं |

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सर्जरी के बाद पहले 8 घंटे तक दाँतों पर ब्रश न करे |
